The primary objective of this condensed two-week expert visitation series is to introduce students to diverse learning programs inspired by the American and Canadian education systems. By bringing experts from various fields, we aim to inspire and guide students in discovering their career paths early on. This initiative is aligned with our goal of emulating advanced countries and applying acquired knowledge to empower our students for a successful future.

About The Program

Welcome to the inaugural Expert Visitation Series at the American Foundation Academy in Douala, Cameroon! This transformative two-week program, spanning from June 22nd to July 6th, is an extraordinary initiative aimed at bringing a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to our students from experts hailing from various fields in America and Canada.
As we embark on this journey, experts will immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of Douala during the first week, settling into their roles and familiarizing themselves with the campus and students. This period is dedicated to preparation, ensuring that classrooms are set up, materials are procured, and a warm camaraderie is established among our esteemed guests.
Week 2 unfolds as a dynamic Training Summit where experts will delve into diverse topics, ranging from science and technology to arts and beyond. Through interactive sessions and workshops, our students will have the unique opportunity to learn directly from these American professionals, fostering early career exploration and a broader perspective on global advancements.
The weekends offer a chance for cultural exploration as experts embark on touristic trips to Kribi and Banga, further enriching their experience and enhancing the cross-cultural exchange.
The pinnacle of this program is the Gala Night on July 6th, where the American Foundation Academy will proudly present the outcomes of the Expert Visitation Series to the public. Experts will showcase their programs through exposé presentations, booths for public interaction, and a grand celebration featuring speeches from our CEO, esteemed Ministers, Governors, and the visiting experts.
This series is not merely an educational endeavor; it’s a celebration of knowledge, cultural exchange, and the collective pursuit of a brighter future. We invite you to join us on this remarkable journey as we strive to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders at the American Foundation Academy.

Expert Presentations and Workshops

Objective: Introduce American-style learning programs in various fields to students at the American Foundation Academy, fostering early career exploration and knowledge transfer.

Science and Technology

Expert presentations on cutting-edge advancements in science and technology.
Hands-on workshops to engage students in practical applications.

Computer Science and Information Technology

Interactive sessions on coding, software development, and IT trends.
Introduction to digital entrepreneurship and technology applications.

Health and Future Health Professionals

Health professionals introduce students to the world of healthcare.
Emphasis on inspiring students to consider becoming future health professionals.

Photography, Music, and Journalism

Workshops led by experts in photography techniques, music, and journalism.
Students create and present their own projects under expert guidance.

Engineering and Oil/Gas Exploration

Industry professionals sharing insights into engineering disciplines and oil/gas exploration.
Knowledge transfer sessions on refinery processes.

Environment Protection (Recycling)

Environmental experts discuss the importance of recycling and conservation.
Practical workshops on waste management and recycling initiatives.

Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind)

Professionals share insights into renewable energy solutions.
Discussions on solar and wind energy applications, addressing Cameroon’s electricity challenges.

Automobile Mechanics

Industry specialists provide insights into automobile mechanics.
Practical sessions on basic vehicle maintenance.

Agriculture and Nutrition

Agriculture experts share knowledge on sustainable farming.
 Workshops on nutrition, encouraging healthy eating habits among students.


Sports professionals engage students in sports-related activities.
Introduction to various sports disciplines to inspire interest from an early age.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Business leaders present insights into successful entrepreneurship.
Discussions on business principles and encouraging a mindset for future business success.

Breakdown of The Program

Week 1: June 22 – June 28 (Preparation and Cultural Immersion)
Day 1 (June 22): Arrival and Welcome
Arrival of Experts: Experts from America and Canada arrive in Douala and settle into accommodations.
Welcome Session: Meet and greet session to foster camaraderie among the experts and with local staff.
Day 2 (June 23): Campus Orientation and Setup
Campus Orientation: Experts familiarize themselves with the campus.
Classroom Setup: Experts prepare classrooms and ensure all necessary materials are ready.
Day 3 (June 24): Material Procurement and Local Cuisine Experience
Material Procurement: Experts identify and purchase any materials needed for their presentations.
Local Cuisine Experience: Welcome dinner featuring Cameroonian cuisine to introduce experts to local culture.
Day 4 (June 25): Familiarization and Cultural Preparation
Familiarization with the Campus: Experts meet with students for introductions.
Cultural Preparation: Cultural immersion activities to prepare experts for cross-cultural engagement.
Day 5-6 (June 26-27): Preparation Continues
Classroom Finalization: Experts finalize classroom setups and prepare presentation materials.
Day 7 (June 28): Final Preparations
Final Touches: Last-minute preparations for the upcoming week’s activities.
Weekend (June 29 – June 30): Touristic Trips
Experts use the weekends for touristic trips to Kribi and Banga.
 Cultural exploration and relaxation.
Week 2: July 1 – July 6 (Intensive Training and Program Implementation)
Day 1 (July 1): Training Summit Begins
Training Sessions: Daily expert-led sessions on various topics, covering science, technology, arts, and more.
Day 2-5 (July 2-5): Workshops and Interactive Sessions
Workshops: Interactive sessions and hands-on workshops for students to engage with experts directly.
Day 6 (July 6): Gala Night
Expose presentation of various programs to the public.
Booths set up for public visits and Q&A sessions with experts.
Big party with speeches from the CEO, Ministers, Governors, and experts.
Introduction of programs to be implemented by American Foundation Academy
Departure: July 7, 2024
Experts depart, marking the conclusion of the program.

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